Saturday 19 October 2013

The Beginning of the End. - By Maia

I slipped underneath my patched blankets, to shield myself from the loud buzzing of aeroplanes above.In the far distance I could hear the explosions of bombs. I squeezed my eyes shut, desperate to fall asleep and escape the sound.
My bedroom was pitch black, a cool breeze drifted through the cracks in the broken window. I wanted it all to end, the soldiers, the tanks, the airplane's, World war 2 in whole. I wanted it to be like it was before, before the war begun…

The next morning, was as usual. Everyone carried on, like life was as it used to be, even though they knew it wasn’t the same. Ever since the war begun, The radio is always switched on. That way, we are always informed of the latest news.

After breakfast, I chucked my rationed lunch into my backpack and headed off for school. Down the driveway, through the park and across the rich green meadow and through the school gates. I rush up to my classroom where I find, I’ve arrived right on time. I then wander over to my seat at the back of the classroom, next to Julianne. Except today, all that was next to me was an empty desk. It was very unusual for Julianne to miss class, she was always very keen on learning and School.Where is she? I wondered. I glanced over at the clock, checking how long it was Until Lunch Break. Only half an Hour left, I said to myself.

At Lunch break, I went over to speak to Lisa. I asked her “Where’s Julianne today?” Lisa replied with “Don’t you know? All the noise, going on last night? Well, One of the bombs’ hit her house and killed her whole family” As I was in shock, I walked away back to my desk where I spent the rest of Lunch Break.

Maybe it wasn’t safe here. Soon enough, with all the destruction, we would be forced to leave.

The final bell rang as I scooped up my bag into my arms. I wandered out of school grounds, and made my way back home. As I was walking up our long gravel driveway, I heard a great bang. In the far distance, I saw smoke arising and into the cool still air. Aeroplanes headed off in the opposite direction. I sprinted towards our house and Flung open the front door, to find that Mum and dad had already started packing. The car was loaded with boxes, bags and other various luggage. Our furniture remained in its usual place as if we intended to return. Mum ordered me to grab the few things I could before hopping into the car, I didn’t bother to ask why. We then sped off down the drive and towards the smoke as this was the only way out. Our car hobbled along the cracked and uneven road. I stared out the window, the footpaths were covered in rubble from the damaged buildings above. Light smoke floated in the air. What used to be our calm and quiet town, is now covered in rubble. We couldn't take our eyes off it. But we had to get out of here.

As we passed the sign that read ‘You are now leaving Chesterton’ I looked back trying to get one last glimpse of the town but all the luggage made it impossible. With no success, I slouched back down into my seat and prepared myself for a long journey.


  1. Aww I love this story sooo much! It has so much emotion in it. It really feels like its you in the story not that you are writing about someone. You feel the sense that you have been in a situation like that and you know how it feels to lose a close friend. I seriously thought I was reading a pros work there for a second. Well done great work keep it up! xo

  2. I really like this paragraph e.g I slipped underneath my patched blankets, to shield myself from the loud buzzing of aeroplanes above.In the far distance I could hear the explosions of bombs. I squeezed my eyes shut, desperate to fall asleep and escape the sound. It really describes the scene and how the characters are feeling.
    My bedroom was pitch black, a cool breeze drifted through the cracks in the broken window. I wanted it all to end, the soldiers, the tanks, the airplane's, World war 2 in whole. I wanted it to be like it was before, before the war begun…
